Saturday, April 16, 2016

An abandoned warehouse

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

There is an abandoned warehouse in our town and it always fascinated me. And I deliberately took that route while going to work though many avoided that narrow lane.
There were many stories regarding the old warehouse that after the British left India it was abandoned and later inhabitated by the people of the other world. While some said that it was used by the people of the underworld to hide their loot.
Whatever..I I gazed at the huge building in its dilapidated state, the huge wooden doors worn out and the locks rusted, wild grass around it.

I used to always try to imagine its past glory…how nice and majestic it must have been with activities bustling in it. What all goods must have been stored in it and from what different sources? What must have been the process of warehousing in those times?
How did the workers carry heavy loads? Where they paid well and on time? Or were the British were hard task masters and treated them cruelly?

I often parked my bicycle and stood gazing at the building wishing to go back in time and see firsthand how the warehouse back then functioned. 
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Anita Sabat said...

How we wonder when we gaze at such buildings!
Well expressed.

Nikhat said...

thank u Anita

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